Use "sublimate|sublimated|sublimates|sublimating" in a sentence

1. 17 Isn't this suggestive, perhaps, of sublimated homosexual attraction?

2. Large Crystallites sublimated by escape of particles from the perimeter

3. We need suBlimate water for our experiment.

4. Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome.

5. Corrosive sublimate, saturated aqueous solution, for five minutes

6. Design, let the sense of vision dulcify, let the brand sublimate!

7. He made discoveries relating to a mercury chloride called corrosive sublimate.

8. A special method was used to sublimate the material.

9. It is very powerful to sublimate the malefic effects of Saturn .

10. Her sublimate future husband will is tall, dark, and handsome.

11. Players have to sublimate their egos for the good of the team.

12. It was the 1950s, and we were poor and chaste, and we sublimated furiously.

13. Anourous stalagmitic Lew nuts vulguses Tramadol 50 Mg Online Uk sublimate subserves pivotally

14. He could try to sublimate the problem by writing, in detail, about it.

15. Camping Makes Me Bearable PNG, Bear Gift, Camping, Camping Gift, Outdoor, Camper, Sublimated Printing/INSTANT DOWNLOAD/Png Printable JamesCreativeDesign

16. Love causes the life to be rich; the pain causes love to sublimate.

17. Appearance and Properties A lustrous , greyish black, brittle, sublimate, poisonous, corrosive halogen element.

18. We have to somehow sublimate those male hormones, or at least get them under control. "

19. The comet's ices , heated By the sun, rapidly and spectacularly suBlimate to gas.

20. David, in his secret heart, have vision of a sort of sublimate summer resort.

21. The mineral can be found in hot spring deposits and as a volcanic sublimate product.

22. Subdue Tamasic action, sublimate Rajas into Sattva by selfless service, transcend Sattva by Self - Knowledge.

23. During the fourth reaction , the solved matter is hydrated in the sublimate water, cefadroxil - hydrate is gained.

24. There were his fine sensibilities, his fine feelings, his fine longings -- a sort of sublimated, idealised selfishness.

25. Let the life sublimate in respectfully to, lets the trail which the time record we struggle!

26. State and thought can be surmounted, spirit is OK sublimate, but force cannot be surmounted.

27. In breathing, the memory that puts blue on the ice gradually sublimate, interweave with the sky.

28. Formed as a sublimate (mixed with ammonium hydrogen carbonate) when calcium carbonate and ammonium sulfate (or chloride) are heated together.

29. A psychoanalyst would perhaps say that we learn to deny ourselves this satisfaction in favour of more sublimated pleasures.

30. For aerosolised agents that may evaporate or sublimate, it should be shown that all phases were collected by the method chosen.

31. Once again, I felt that if I did not somehow sublimate my pain, I should be irretrievably lost.

32. When Pluto is close to the Sun, the temperature of Pluto's solid surface increases, causing these ices to sublimate into gasses.

33. The Benoni is one whose Nefesh Elokit controls the thinking mind, but the Nefesh HaBehamit has in no way been refined or sublimated

34. Biurea decomposes in the temperature range 230–260° to yield gas, a white sublimate, and a viscous liquid residue

35. I must learn to sublimate my desire for my own perch by feeling happy for Aunt Louise sitting there.

36. Cometary atmospheres Because of the small size and low gravity of the Cometary nuclei, the evolving gases from sublimating ices expand freely into the vacuum of space

37. In order to sublimate the south polar CO2 glaciers, Mars would require the introduction of approximately 0.3 microbars of CFCs into Mars's atmosphere.

38. The sublimate consists of cyanuric acid, cyamelide, and urea, and the residue is a mixture of Biurea, cyanuric acid, and urazole

39. The overall energy required to sublimate the CO2 from the south polar ice cap was modeled by Zubrin and McKay in 1993.

40. One of these was later turned into a life-size work, Great Deeds Against the Dead, shown along with Zygotic Acceleration, Biogenetic, De-Sublimated Libidinal Model (Enlarged x 1000) at the Sensation exhibition in 1997.

41. Early on, George Călinescu argued that the totalitarian model outlined in Huliganii was: "An allusion to certain bygone political movements , sublimated in the ever so abstruse philosophy of death as a path to knowledge."

42. Zygotic Acceleration, Biogenetic, De-Sublimated Libidinal Model (Enlarged x 1000) is a perfect representation of one defintion of the uncanny, where the non-human and the human come to occupy the same place in an unsettling way


44. When a Comet comes close to the Sun, the ices sublimate (go directly from the solid to the gas phase) and form, along with entrained dust particles, a bright outflowing atmosphere around the Comet nucleus known as a coma.

45. It pertains to frozen crystalline water throughout its life cycle, starting when, under suitable conditions, the ice crystals form in the atmosphere, increase to millimeter size, precipitate and accumulate on surfaces, then metamorphose in place, and ultimately melt, slide or sublimate away.

46. In the presence of a first sublimation growth pressure, a single crystal is sublimation grown on the seed crystal via precipitation of sublimated source material on the seed crystal in the presence of a flow of a first gas that includes a reactive component that reacts with and removes donor and/or acceptor background impurities from the growth ambient during said sublimation growth.

47. Accurtation of the Great Work which saveth half the Work and Labour in the Work revealed by Sir George Ripley The white frosty rime, or powder, whereof I told you in the beginning, being found in the neck of the retort, after the drawing of the menstruum, is like sublimate, and is perfect Sulphur of Nature, and therefore needeth neither